La modernité au service du savoir-faire et de la qualité
Modernity at the service of the know-how and the quality
Modernity at the service of the know-how and the quality
La cave du Domaine Shadrapa a été conçue afin de permettre à l’œnologue de réaliser les différents types de la vinification tout en assurant une bonne conservation de la qualité organoleptique des raisins depuis la réception de la vendange, jusqu’à l’embouteillage.
The winery of Domaine Shadrapa was conceived to allow the winemaker to realize the different types of wine making and vinification, while providing good preservation of the organoleptic quality of the grapes since the reception of the harvest, to the bottling.
The winery of Domaine Shadrapa was conceived to allow the winemaker to realize the different types of wine making and vinification, while providing good preservation of the organoleptic quality of the grapes since the reception of the harvest, to the bottling.
Tout d’abord, il est important de préciser que tous les équipements sont en acier inoxydable, ce qui permet d’assurer de très bonnes conditions d’hygiène et limiter l’utilisation du dioxyde du soufre. Par ailleurs, la cave dispose de deux échangeurs tubulaires coaxiaux pour le refroidissement des raisins, du moût et du vin. Toutes les cuves de vinification et de conservation sont thermorégulées. La maîtrise de la température est indispensable aussi bien pour l’élaboration que pour la conservation des vins. En outre, la cave s’est dotée d’une station complète pour l’inertage des moûts et des vins afin d’assurer une bonne protection contre l’oxydation. Enfin, le Domaine Shadrapa a investi dans un chai à barriques de chêne français en faisant appel à des tonneliers de renommée mondiale. Afin de conférer à nos vins une grande complexité, nous avons sélectionné des fûts de différents types selon le niveau de finesse des grains et de l’intensité de chauffe. Le savoir-faire de nos équipes et le haut niveau de nos équipements garantissent à nos vins une qualité optimale.
First, it is important to specify that all equipments are in stainless steel, which ensures very hygienic conditions and limit the use of sulfur dioxide. Moreover, the winery has two coaxial tubular heat exchangers for cooling grapes, must and wine. All winemaking and storage tanks are thermo-regulated. The temperature control is essential for both: the development and for wine storage. In addition, the winery has a complete station for inerting of musts and wines to ensure good protection against oxidation. Finally the Domaine Shadrapa has invested in a cellar of French oak barrels by using the most world famous and well known coopers. In order to give our wines a great complexity, we selected barrels of different types according to the level of the grains fineness and the intensity of heat. The know-how of our teams and the high level of our equipments guarantee the optimum quality to our wines.
First, it is important to specify that all equipments are in stainless steel, which ensures very hygienic conditions and limit the use of sulfur dioxide. Moreover, the winery has two coaxial tubular heat exchangers for cooling grapes, must and wine. All winemaking and storage tanks are thermo-regulated. The temperature control is essential for both: the development and for wine storage. In addition, the winery has a complete station for inerting of musts and wines to ensure good protection against oxidation. Finally the Domaine Shadrapa has invested in a cellar of French oak barrels by using the most world famous and well known coopers. In order to give our wines a great complexity, we selected barrels of different types according to the level of the grains fineness and the intensity of heat. The know-how of our teams and the high level of our equipments guarantee the optimum quality to our wines.